Martin jondo fast forward
Martin jondo fast forward

The one true thing that we will always have 100% control over is our response to these events. Well, the truth of the matter is that life is going to happen-sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. When life gets tough or depressing, I see many people adopt a negative perspective and comment how unfair their life is how they should have been born into better circumstances with more money how they should have been given better opportunities or how things should have happened differently for them. I see people become victims of their circumstances and life challenges all of the time. The Motto: Why “Forward” Is The Only Direction So long as you keep your car in drive, that is. Thankfully, straight isn’t the only direction forward and there’s a steering wheel that comes with the car of your life that you can use to navigate those obstacles. There are always unaccounted for (and many times spontaneous) twists and turns and bumps and driving hazards that come up. The journey never works out to be the straight line that we envision in our heads anyways. As you experience the world and as you get feedback from your actions. You get there by driving your car- steering your ship-in the direction of your dreams and making adjustments as you go. And so it is with all of your goals and aspirations in life. You need a second dot, a plot of where the dot has moved to, in order to understand and adjust the trajectory. And you wonder why people giggle sometimes when they hear you?Ĭourse correction can only happen when you’re on a course. You can’t adjust the direction of a single dot plotted on a map. And we’re also sitting in our cars, hanging from the steering wheel, making exhaust noises with our mouths, and whipping through turns with Fast and Furious precision. We plan and plot and envision and goal set and try to come up with the perfect course that will take us precisely from where we are to where we want to be. And even with all of our might, child or adult, we can’t steer a parked car. Which is exactly what so many of us are trying to do with the cars of our lives: we’re living our dreams in our heads. It’s motion that gives us the power to direct. You could drive with your pinky fingers if you wanted to-although I would strongly advise against that. Put that car in motion, however, and the steering wheel loosens right up. Contrast that with what was actually happening and you would’ve laughed as you saw little me making exhaust noises with my mouth and yanking on the immovable steering wheel. My little hands would hang on the steering wheel as I would speed down the streets and drift through turns with Fast & Furious precision. I remember as a kid, sitting in the driver’s seat of my parent’s car and pretending to drive. Introduction: You Can’t Steer A Stationary Ship Click Here to jump right to our list of keep moving forward quotes!

Martin jondo fast forward